Monday, August 28, 2017

I'm back...

So, it's been a minute since I've blogged here. More like five years. I can't believe it. And a lot has changed.

I've gotten divorced, worked in the corporate world, got out of the corporate world, had a baby... And for most of that time I have been dealing with debilitating depression. I quit working out all together. Me. The hardcore drill sargent personal trainer quit working out. I didn't think there was anything that would keep me from the gym. I mean hell, I had put it before my marriage and family before. (dark humor there)

However, as painful as this period of time has been, I know it is serving a purpose. And I'll tell you how it's working for me.

I now have a new perspective on fitness and how to get where you want to be. Before, I would tell housewives a few "motivational" quotes and advise them what jittery fat burner pill they should buy. I, myself, was taking those jittery fat burners and working out like a madman, not giving a damn what consequences these drugs would have on me. Now, I'm on the other side. I know it's fucking hard to get motivated when you don't feel like you deserve to reach your goal or even have a goal for that matter. Life gets hard. When life gets hard, we often put ourselves on the back burner.

Getting in shape is way more mental than it is physical. When your "mental" isn't healthy, nothing is. Depression is a serious matter. It is important to get professional help if you suspect you might need it. I plan to explore further on this blog mental health issues in addition to physical health. I am NOT a professional but if I can help get one person go get the help they need, it's all good. I hope you'll stick with me on this journey.

Much love,
Visit my Instagram here.

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