Info for Potential Clients

Hi! I'm glad you are interested in changing your life for the better. Here are some things you should know before we start our journey to the new, fit you: 1. Serious clients only need apply. I can't MAKE you do anything. YOU have to want this for yourself. Not I or anyone else can want it bad enough for you to change you. If you are not serious about changing, your body AND your mind, then we will be wasting our time and your money. 2. Expect to food journal. Nutrition (a.k.a.: diet) is 80% of the work in your transformation. Which is also probably the most difficult. We need to know exactly what you are eating so we can see where we may need to make some changes. 3. I am NOT a registered dietician. I can not prescribe a diet for you. I can give you general guidelines but as far as an actual diet plan, consult your physician. 4. Expect to provide me with a doctor's release. Especially if you have any pre-existing conditions that may inhibit your ability to exercise. Please inform me of any known conditions upon first contact. 5. You CAN do this. I can help. Everyone has the potential to change. Let's do this thing...

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